Home Blog Meet of the best homebased chef Farah Naz

Meet of the best homebased chef Farah Naz


My name is Farah Naz, a housewife and mother of three . By education, I’m a masters in education but by profession, I’m an entrepreneur. I restarted my education after 10 years of marriage as I did bachelors in education and then masters in education, but due to certain conditions i started getting severe depression and anxiety ,That was when a doctor of mine suggested me to do something for my well being, a close friend of mine gave me an idea to start some online business as being in joint family system, I was unable to do outdoor work. This was how my entrepreneurial journey started in 2013, with a motivation for doing something for my well-being. As an escape from on going anxiety and life issues.

As being an alone women, I couldn’t go with any physical working; so I started working online as “Hareem abayas”. And it was a luck that on the same year I started my business, with the wish of improving my business, I started looking for a platform to polish my skills. That’s when I got know about Women X which was an entrepreneurship program for home based workers at IBA. Luckily, I got the opportunity to get into WomenX from where I learnt a whole lot of things about entrepreneurship and got my base strong about business. With that learnt stuff, as I worked more; I got more experience about all the stuff. I worked as Hareem abayas for about 5 years.

But it needed public interactions as in going for exhibitions at multiple events and that became a difficult task for me.
Then a point came where I couldn’t attend all the physical exhibitions etc for the display of my items per required, So it started getting difficult to continue the work. After some thinking, I decided to switch the business as I didn’t want to quit my entrepreneurship journey as I always found joy in this thing.

Then I thought about starting a food business, as cooking was always a strong trait in me. So I started my second journey of entrepreneurship with a business named Frozen Dainty. Which, gave me a lot of positive response from the costumers. At the early stage of my journey, I luckily found a platform named Home made food services; from where i got some very nice people who helped me a lot. I was comfortable doing this work and satisfying the costumers with my food. With that given, I got more confidence and did many additions in the products as the work grew. My clients always responded so well about the quality and taste of my food.

More opportunities came to me in the way as I went forward. My family always supported me in the whole way. The group provided with such golden opportunities for all the women working at home. With all that progress, my business grew and now, I am at a point that I’m about to work with a stable brand commercially with one of my product. My message to all women around, going through any disturbing conditions and those working on a home based level; that stay motivated and positive, believe in yourself and your loved ones.

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