Home Business & Finance Indonesian Consulate to host first Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Palm Oil on 6th September in Karachi

Indonesian Consulate to host first Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Palm Oil on 6th September in Karachi


By Rafiq Vayani

KARACHI: The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Karachi is going to hold the first Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Palm Oil (CEIPO) 2018 at the Movenpick Hotel, Karachi on 6th of September 2018.

The one-day event is going to be held from 09.00 in the morning to 16.00 in the afternoon. It will consist of conference and exhibition simultaneously, where the conference will have various prominent speakers from the palm oil stakeholders in Indonesia and Pakistan while the exhibition side is going to showcase the palm oil-related associations and companies from Indonesia and Pakistan.

Under the theme “Pakistan – Indonesia Collaboration on Palm oil-based Industries”, CEIPO aims to spark discussions on the way forward of cooperation in palm oil industries between Indonesia and Pakistan. CEIPO also aimed to start the exchange of ideas on possible joint investment in making additional values from palm oil products. It also aims in increasing the business contacts between the two sides, in hope to spark new business ideas, investment potential, and so on.

H.E. Mr. Iwan Suyudhie Amri, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Pakistan, H.E. Mr. Mahendra Siregar, Executive Director of the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) / Former Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) / Special Adviser to the Foreign Minister, The Honorable Mr. Totok Prianamto, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Karachi, Mr. Joko Supriyono, Chairman, Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA)/ Gabungan Asosiasi Pengusaha Kelapa sawit Indonesia (GAPKI), Mr. Dono Boestami, Chief Executive, Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency/ Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS), Mr. Puspo Edi Giriwono, Ph.D, researcher from Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology Center Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Ms. Naheed Memon, Chairperson of Sindh Board of Investment (SBI), Mr. Abdul Rasheed Janmohammad, Chairman of Pakistan Edible Oil Conference (PEOC), Mr. Abdul Waheed, Chairman of Pakistan Vanaspati Manufacturers’ Association (PVMA) and Mr. Dostain Khan Jamaldini, Chairman of Gwadar Port Authority will be the speakers at the conference.

The exhibition will showcase palm oil products and its derivatives from various Indonesian and Pakistani companies and association. So far, the companies and association that have confirmed their participations are “Sawit Indonesia”, Apical Pakistan, Waheed Group, Sharjah Cooking Oil, and Dalda Foods.

We hope to make CEIPO 2018 a start of hopefully many cooperation and collaborations between the palm oil industries of Indonesia and Pakistan. Therefore, we invite all stakeholders of palm oil industries and its derivatives to come and participate in our event to make that goal a reality.

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