Home Business & Finance Dubai Chamber unveils impact of Give and Gain 2021 initiative

Dubai Chamber unveils impact of Give and Gain 2021 initiative


Over 2,700 employee volunteers participated in Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Give & Gain 2021 employee volunteering initiative, which was recently held virtually.

Overall, volunteers dedicated 70,600 hours across projects benefitting more than 60,000 individuals. The month-long event was organised for the eleventh consecutive year as part of the Chamber’s ENGAGE Dubai corporate volunteering programme.

A total of 66 organisations, 42 corporate members and 24 community partners participated in this year’s volunteering activities, which included educational sessions for children, meals for blue collar workers, humanitarian aid for underprivileged families, support for cancer patients, computer skills for people of determination, plantation and recycling e-waste, paper, plastics and metals.

More than 8,800 kilograms of humanitarian aid, including rice, raw food items, stationery and clothes, were donated, while 24,315 meals were given to those in need. A total of 32,953 back to school items were sent for children, more than 2.2 tonnes of waste was diverted away from landfills, and more than 400 Ghaf tree seeds were planted.

For his part, Dr. Belaid Rettab, Senior Director of the Economic Research & Sustainable Business Development Sector at Dubai Chamber, explained the outcome of Give and Gain 2021 noted that the campaign demonstrated a stronger interest and commitment among businesses to engage in corporate volunteering efforts and give back to communities impacted by Covid-19.

The volunteering initiative exceeded Dubai Chamber’s expectations and created a positive example for other companies to follow, he noted, adding that the annual campaign helps foster a culture of volunteerism within Dubai’s business community.

Launched in 2008 by Dubai Chamber’s Centre for Responsible Business, ENGAGE Dubai is a programme which brings together businesses and community organisations in Dubai to increase the quality and amount of employee community engagement in their local communities.

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