Home Life&style Depilex Smileagain Foundation hosts humbling evening with the acid burn victims

Depilex Smileagain Foundation hosts humbling evening with the acid burn victims


LAHORE: Depilex Smileagain Foundation arranged an occasion that hosted acid and kerosene oil burn victims and distinguished guests at the Royal Palm for a humbling evening.

The acid and kerosene burnt victims, which were cases of 2018, shared their experience with Depilex Smileagain Foundation and the attendees. Two patients, Saba Shaheen and Faizan shared their medical progress. Saba Shaheen explained her journey of medical progress till vocational training of becoming a beautician and Faizan from KPK also spoke about his rehabilitation story which immensely inspired the audience.

Mrs. Ashifa Riaz Fatyana graced the occasion as the chief guest and also addressed the audience. She was all praise for the hard work of Ms. Masarrat Misbah and Depilex Smileagain Foundation. Founder and president of Depilex Smileagain Foundation Ms. Masarrat Misbah while addressing the audience said, “I am happy to share that DSF has stood as a strong pillar in the development and rehabilitation of our society, we had 80 patients who had registered from all over Pakistan and we are proud to say that 101 Reconstructive Surgeries and 283 Non-surgical medical procedures of victims were done in 2018.”

One of the pioneers in cosmetics industry, Depilex is a famous salon and foundation. Depilex has been surpassing from recent decades not just because of their aptitude in hair, make-up and different parts of grooming but additionally in light of the monstrous measure of social work they have committed to. News Desk

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